What I Wish I Could Tell the 8th Grade Boy Who Catcalled My Daughter #yesallwomen #raisinggirls
It starts. Only the fourth day of school, and my sixth-grade daughter calls me to tell me an eighth grader whistled at her in the hallway...
Lessons in Mothering from the First Day of School
My daughter started middle school today. Yesterday, over an endless game of War, she confessed her fear: "What if I can't open the...
The Most Productive Mom Tip Ever
I’ve finally done it, that thing I kept talking about, over and over, for the past nine months. And guess what? It feels great! I’m more...
Five Tips for Surviving as One of the #ZombieMoms
My son turned one this month. He is walking, running, pointing, gesturing, saying words like “come” and “sister,” laughing, playing...
Flexible Scheduling for the Homeschooling WAHM
My life revolves around a schedule. It isn’t because I want one. (I’m not a natural planner, and I chafe under rigidity and obligation.)...